
Akivis algebra

In mathematics, and in particular the study of algebra, an Akivis algebra is a nonassociative algebra equipped with a binary operator, the commutator and a ternary operator, the associator that satisfy a particular relationship known as the Akivis identity. They are named in honour of Russian mathematician Maks A. Akivis. Formally, if is a vector space over a field of characteristic zero, we say is an Akivis algebra if the operation is bilinear and anticommutative; and the trilinear operator satisfies the Akivis identity: An Akivis algebra with is a Lie algebra, for the Akivis identity reduces to the Jacobi identity. Note that the terms on the right hand side have positive sign for even permutations and negative sign for odd permutations of . Any algebra (even if nonassociative) is an Akivis algebra if we define and . It is known that all Akivis algebras may be represented as a subalgebra of a (possibly nonassociative) algebra in this way (for associative algebras, the associator is identically zero, and the Akivis identity reduces to the Jacobi identity). (Wikipedia).

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Linear Transformations: Onto

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Kivy crash course 3: More interesting widget interactions

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Kivy with Python tutorial Part 2 - Widgets and Labels

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Kivy crash course 12: Using Android APIs

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9A_2 The Inverse of a Matrix Using the Idenity Matrix

The inverse of a matrix using the method of elementary row operation with an identity matrix added to the matrix.

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The Identity Matrix

This video introduces the identity matrix and illustrates the properties of the identity matrix.

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Algebra for Beginners | Basics of Algebra

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Group Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra

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Units in a Ring (Abstract Algebra)

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Identity matrices

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Inverse matrices

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2 Construction of a Matrix-YouTube

This video shows you how a matrix is constructed from a set of linear equations. It helps you understand where the various elements in a matrix comes from.

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FIT2.3.3. Algebraic Extensions

Field Theory: We define an algebraic extension of a field F and show that successive algebraic extensions are also algebraic. This gives a useful criterion for checking algberaic elements. We finish with algebraic closures.

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Kristin Courtney: "The abstract approach to classifying C*-algebras"

Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021 Mini Course: "The abstract approach to classifying C*-algebras" Kristin Courtney - Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA January 21, 2021 For more information:

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Rahim Moosa 11/14/14

Title: Differential Varieties with Only Algebraic Images

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TabletClass Math Homeschool: How to homeschool Algebra 2 successfully. Need help with homeschooling Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus? Check out TabletClass Math for all your homeschooling needs: .

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Homeschool Geometry Before Algebra 2

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What is linear algebra?

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