Accelerator neutrino experiments

Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment

The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) is a proposed water Cherenkov detector experiment designed to examine the nature of neutrino interactions. This experiment will study phenomena like proton decay, and neutrino oscillations, by analyzing neutrino interactions in gadolinium-loaded water and measuring their neutron yield. Neutron Tagging plays an important role in background rejection from atmospheric neutrinos. By implementing early prototypes of LAPPDs (Large Area Picosecond Photodetector), high precision timing is possible. The suggested location for ANNIE is the SciBooNE hall on the Booster Neutrino Beam associated with the MiniBooNE experiment. The neutrino beam originates in Fermilab where The Booster delivers 8 GeV protons to a beryllium target producing secondary pions and kaons. These secondary mesons decay to produce a neutrino beam with an average energy of around 800 MeV. ANNIE will begin installation in the summer of 2015. Phase I of ANNIE, mapping the neutron background, completed in 2017. The detector is being upgraded for full science operation (so-called Phase II) which is expected to begin late 2018. (Wikipedia).

Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment
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Accelerator Science: Proton vs. Electron

Particle accelerators are one of the most powerful ways to study the fundamental laws that govern the universe. However, there are many design considerations that go into selecting and building a particular accelerator. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln explains the pros and cons

From playlist Detectors and Accelerators

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How do you detect a neutrino?

The elusive neutrino is the most difficult to detect of the particles of the standard model. However the story is more complex than that. When a neutrino actually interacts, it is easy to detect. However neutrinos interact only rarely. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln explains

From playlist Neutrinos

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How do particle accelerators make neutrinos? | Even Bananas

Neutrinos are neutral, meaning the magnets in a particle accelerator can’t manipulate them. So how can scientists make a dense beam of neutrinos for their experiments? Neutrino physicist Kirsty Duffy and Fermilab accelerator operator Laura Bolt explain the power of protons and how teams ca

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NOvA: Building a Next Generation Neutrino Experiment

The NOvA neutrino experiment is searching for the answers to some of the most fundamental questions of the universe. This video documents how collaboration between government research institutions like Fermilab, academia and industry can create one of the largest neutrino detectors in the

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A bunch of neutrino questions | Even Bananas 09

It’s time to answer your neutrino questions! Fermilab’s Dr. Kirsty Duffy responds to some of the many wonderful questions you’ve left in the comments, including: Were neutrinos made in the early universe? How do you know you’re seeing neutrinos from your accelerator? And can neutrinos pass

From playlist Neutrinos

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The Impossible Dream of Neutrino Astronomy by Basu Dasgupta

COSMIC ZOOM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM OF NEUTRINO ASTRONOMY SPEAKER: Basu Dasgupta (Theoretical Physicist, TIFR ) DATE: 09 April 2021, 19:00 to 20:30 VENUE: Online Abstract: Neutrinos are unique: almost massless, barely interacting, and capable of preserving quantum coherence over macrosco

From playlist Cosmic Zoom

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Hunting for Neutrinos

All you wanted to know about Neutrinos. A feature documentary covering the CNGS project, linking CERN to Gran Sasso Laboratory (Italy) with an underground Neutrino beam. Coproduced with INFN

From playlist Documentaries

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Fermilab Physics Slam 2012

Five physicists duke it out with 12 minutes each to explain a complex particle physics concept in front of a large audience of the general public. Then an applause meter determines the ultimate slammer. See below for links to presenters. -------------------------------------------- 10:00

From playlist Fermilab's Physics Slams

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Fermilab Physics Slam VIII

It's Fermilab's 2019 Physics Slam! Five contestants get 10 minutes each to present their topic in the most interesting way possible as they compete for the title of Slam Champion. 3:33 Fernanda Psihas - Failure in physics 13:44 Valerie Higgins - Time-traveling through physics history 24:

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Horizons in Accelerators, Particle/Nuclear Physics and Laboratory-based Quantum Sensors for HEP/NP-3

PROGRAM HORIZONS IN ACCELERATORS, PARTICLE/NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND LABORATORY-BASED QUANTUM SENSORS FOR HEP/NP (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: Swapan Chattopadhyay (FNAL, Batavia, USA & IISc, India) and Rohini Godbole (IISc, India) DATE: 14 November 2022 to 17 November 2022 VENUE: Chandrasekhar Audit

From playlist Horizons in Accelerators, Particle/Nuclear Physics and Laboratory-based Quantum Sensors for HEP/NP (HYBRID)

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Animation: Neutrino Detection in Liquid-Argon Time Projection Chamber

A short animation to show how a Liquid-Argon Time Projection Chamber can detect a neutrino based upon the neutrino's interaction with an argon atom.

From playlist Neutrinos

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Particle Physics 1: Introduction

Part 1 of a series: covering introduction to Quantum Field Theory, creation and annihilation operators, fields and particles.

From playlist Particle Physics

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Accelerator Science: Luminosity vs. Energy

In the world of high energy physics there are several parameters that are important when one constructs a particle accelerator. Two crucial ones are the energy of the beam and the luminosity, which is another word for the number of particles in the beam. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don

From playlist Detectors and Accelerators

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Phiala Shanahan Public Lecture: The Building Blocks of the Universe

In her public lecture at Perimeter Institute on Wednesday Nov. 7, Phiala Shanahan will provided a guided tour of the subatomic realm and described what supercomputer calculations of quarks and gluons can reveal about the origins of mass, the primordial nuclear reactions that power the Sun,

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How Small Is It - 04 - Elementary Particles (4K)

Text - Music free version - website - Wiki page

From playlist How Small Is It

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The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment – A lecture by Dr. Stefan Söldner-Rembold

The Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment are the largest international particle physics project ever built in the United States, hosted by Fermilab. DUNE is a groundbreaking experiment that will send the world’s most powerful neutrino beam from Fermilab’

From playlist LBNF/DUNE/PIP-II

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Extreme Single Particle Model

An extension of the single particle model considering the consequence of pairing of nuclei and whether the nuclear characteristics are dependent on the lone unpaired nucleon.

From playlist Nuclear Physics

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Astronomy Cast 315 - Particle Accelerators

Who knew that destruction could be so informative? Only by smashing particles together with more and more energy, can we truly tease out the fundamental forces of nature. Join us to discover the different kinds of accelerators (both natural and artificial) and why questions they can help u

From playlist Astronomy Cast

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