Formal methods

ABZ Conference

No description. (Wikipedia).

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jQuery Conference SF 2012 jQuery Foundation Keynote by Richard D. Worth

An overview of the changes to the organization of the jQuery Project. Help us caption & translate this video!

From playlist jQuery Conference 2012 - San Francisco

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Centre of a Major Arc (1 of 5: Evaluating internal angle)

More resources available at

From playlist Using Complex Numbers

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Abdallah Maths Tutoring

Dear All Happy Friday 12th December 2019. Here I'm looking to set up my own private maths tutoring business and wondered if you're happy to check out my website to contact me for more details and information. If you're interested in this then please do

From playlist GCSE Maths!!

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GTAC 2016: How Flaky Tests in Continuous Integration

John Micco & Atif Memon, Google and University of Maryland

From playlist GTAC 2016

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Ziyang Gao

Bound on the number of rational points on curves Mazur conjectured, after Faltings's proof of the Mordell conjecture, that the number of rational points on a curve depends only on the genus, the degree of the number field and the Mordell-Weil rank. This conjecture was established in a few

From playlist DART X

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Turing Centennial Conference: From Programs to Systems: Building a Smarter World

From Programs to Systems: Building a Smarter World Presented by Prof. Joseph Sifakis, Turing Award laureate, VERIMAG Laboratory and EPFL Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference - Israel April 4, 2012 The Wohl Centre Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel For more information see: https://sit

From playlist Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference - Israel

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Turing Centennial Conference: About Alan Turing (in Hebrew)

About Alan Turing (in Hebrew) Presented by Prof. Amiram Yehudai, Tel Aviv University Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference - Israel April 4, 2012 The Wohl Centre Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel For more information see:

From playlist Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference - Israel

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May 31, 2013: World Science Festival Video Highlights

The 2013 World Science Festival began its third day with the first multilingual Pioneers in Science program, featuring Dr. Nora Volkow. Next, scientists set their crosshairs on the 30-year AIDS epidemic, and at Infinity top mathematicians grappled with the immeasurable. The World Science

From playlist General Science

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Should You Attend Conferences?

In this video, I discuss how research conferences work! Community Discord -

From playlist Chemistry Wisdom

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CGSR Seminar Series | Prospects for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference

Speaker Biography: Robert Einhorn served as the U.S. Department of State special advisor for nonproliferation and arms control, a position created by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Mr. Einhorn played a leading role in the formulation and execution of U.S. policy toward Iran’s nuclear

From playlist Center for Global Security Research

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Materialism Podcast Ep 54: μ-Getting the most out of conferences

Andrew and Taylor come to you from a garage in sunny California to tell you all about conferences. What should you do there? How do you handle hard questions at a talk you're giving? Why is there random car noises in the background of this episode? Get all the answers here. Check out how

From playlist Materialism Podcast

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Garden City Ruby 2014 - How Garden City Ruby came to be by Prakash Murthy

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From playlist Garden City Ruby 2014

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Where can (and should) you publish your natural language processing research? (w/ Philip Resnik)

This is a single lecture from a course. If you you like the material and want more context (e.g., the lectures that came before), check out the whole course: (Including homeworks and reading.) Resources: List of NLP Venues https://medium.c

From playlist Computational Linguistics I

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LambdaConf 2015 - Join Us!

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From playlist LambdaConf 2015

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What’s in a name? The need to nip NIPS Abstract: There has been substantial recent controversy surrounding the use of the acronym "NIPS" for the Neural Information Processing Systems conference, stemming from the fact that the word "nips" is common slang fo

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