Tort Law and Liability

  1. Types of Torts
    1. Negligence
      1. Duty of Care
        1. Establishing Duty
          1. Special Relationships
            1. Good Samaritan laws
            2. Breach of Duty
              1. Standards of Care
                1. Objective vs. Subjective Analysis
                  1. Professional Standards
                  2. Causation
                    1. Cause in Fact (But-For Test)
                      1. Proximate Cause
                        1. Foreseeability Test
                          1. Directness Test
                            1. Substantial Factor Test
                          2. Damages
                            1. Physical Harm
                              1. Emotional Distress
                                1. Economic Loss
                                  1. Loss of Consortium
                                    1. Wrongful Death Claims
                                  2. Intentional Torts
                                    1. Personal Torts
                                      1. Assault
                                        1. Elements of Assault
                                          1. Defenses to Assault
                                          2. Battery
                                            1. Elements of Battery
                                            2. False Imprisonment
                                              1. Confinement and Restraint
                                                1. Exception for Shopkeepers
                                              2. Property Torts
                                                1. Trespass to Land
                                                  1. Unauthorized Entry
                                                    1. Intent Requirement
                                                    2. Trespass to Chattels
                                                      1. Interference with Use
                                                        1. Requirement of Harm
                                                        2. Conversion
                                                          1. Seriousness of Interference
                                                            1. Right to Ownership
                                                          2. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
                                                            1. Outrageous Conduct
                                                              1. Severe Emotional Distress
                                                                1. Third-Party Claims
                                                                2. Defamation
                                                                  1. Libel (Written Defamation)
                                                                    1. Elements and Proof
                                                                      1. Damages Presumed
                                                                      2. Slander (Spoken Defamation)
                                                                        1. Requirement of Proof
                                                                          1. Slander Per Se
                                                                          2. Defenses to Defamation
                                                                            1. Truth
                                                                              1. Privilege (Absolute and Qualified)
                                                                                1. Opinion vs. Fact
                                                                            2. Strict Liability
                                                                              1. Abnormally Dangerous Activities
                                                                                1. Definition and Examples
                                                                                  1. Factors for Determining Abnormally Dangerous
                                                                                  2. Product Liability
                                                                                    1. Defective Design
                                                                                      1. Risk-Utility Test
                                                                                        1. Consumer Expectations Test
                                                                                        2. Manufacturing Defect
                                                                                          1. Proof of Defect
                                                                                            1. Impact on Consumer Safety
                                                                                            2. Failure to Warn
                                                                                              1. Adequacy of Warnings
                                                                                                1. Duty to Update Warnings
                                                                                              2. Animal Liability
                                                                                                1. Liability for Domestic Animals
                                                                                                  1. Known Dangerous Propensities
                                                                                                    1. Statutory Considerations
                                                                                                    2. Liability for Wild Animals
                                                                                                      1. Ownership and Control
                                                                                                        1. Public Safety Concerns