Social Psychology

  1. Prosocial Behavior and Altruism
    1. Theories of Prosocial Behavior
      1. Evolutionary Perspectives
        1. Kin Selection
          1. Inclusive Fitness
            1. Genetic Relatedness
            2. Reciprocal Altruism
              1. Long-term Benefits of Cooperation
                1. Cost-Benefit Analysis in Helping
              2. Social Exchange Theory
                1. Cost and Reward Analysis
                  1. Material and Social Rewards
                    1. Time and Energy Considerations
                    2. Comparison Level for Alternatives
                      1. Deciding to Help Based on Available Options
                      2. Altruism vs. Egoism Debate
                        1. Pure Altruism: Helping without Expecting Anything in Return
                          1. Egoistic Concerns: Helping for Self-Benefit
                      3. Empathy and Helping
                        1. Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis
                          1. Role of Empathic Concern
                            1. Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy
                            2. Emotional and Cognitive Aspects of Empathy
                              1. Perspective-Taking
                                1. Emotional Reactivity
                                2. Empathy in Different Contexts
                                  1. Understanding and Assisting with Emotional Distress
                                    1. Empathy in Group Settings
                                  2. Bystander Effect
                                    1. Diffusion of Responsibility
                                      1. Impact of Group Size
                                        1. Understanding the Role of Anonymity
                                        2. Pluralistic Ignorance
                                          1. Misinterpreting Inaction in Emergency Situations
                                          2. Increasing Bystander Intervention
                                            1. Awareness and Education on the Bystander Effect
                                              1. Simple Actions to Encourage Intervention
                                              2. Situational Factors Influencing Helping Behavior
                                                1. Presence of Others and Their Actions
                                                  1. Characteristics of the Victim
                                                    1. Perceived Need and Worthiness
                                                      1. Similarity to the Helper
                                                  2. Motivations for Altruistic Behavior
                                                    1. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivations
                                                      1. Long-term Satisfaction from Helping
                                                        1. Social Recognition and Reward
                                                        2. Moral and Ethical Standards
                                                          1. Influence of Cultural and Religious Beliefs
                                                            1. Personal Moral Principles
                                                            2. Personal Satisfaction and Well-being
                                                              1. Helper's High: Emotional Benefits of Helping
                                                            3. Development of Prosocial Behavior
                                                              1. Childhood Development
                                                                1. Role of Parenting and Teaching in Altruism
                                                                  1. Development of Empathy and Sharing Behaviors
                                                                  2. Adolescence and Young Adults
                                                                    1. Peer Influence on Prosocial Actions
                                                                      1. Volunteering and Civic Engagement
                                                                      2. Adulthood and Aging
                                                                        1. Life Experiences Shaping Altruistic Behavior
                                                                          1. Legacy and Generativity in Older Adults
                                                                        2. Situational and Personality Factors
                                                                          1. Role of Situational Variables
                                                                            1. Environment and Context: Urban vs. Rural Settings
                                                                              1. Immediate Need and Urgency
                                                                              2. Dispositional Traits
                                                                                1. Agreeableness and Helping
                                                                                  1. High Self-Monitoring and Adaptable Altruism
                                                                                2. Encouraging Prosocial Behavior
                                                                                  1. Interventions and Educational Programs
                                                                                    1. Promoting Empathy Through Training
                                                                                      1. Community Service and Volunteering Initiatives
                                                                                      2. Influence of Media and Social Norms
                                                                                        1. Positive Messaging and Campaigns
                                                                                          1. Role of Social Media in Prosocial Behavior Promotion
                                                                                          2. Building Supportive Communities
                                                                                            1. Networking and Group Initiatives for Collective Good