Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Object-Oriented Programming Principles
    1. SOLID Principles
      1. Single Responsibility Principle
        1. Definition and importance
          1. Examples of applying the principle
            1. Common violations and their implications
            2. Open/Closed Principle
              1. Definition and importance
                1. Extensibility without modification examples
                  1. Real-world scenarios and common misconceptions
                  2. Liskov Substitution Principle
                    1. Explanation and historical background
                      1. Code examples illustrating correct practice
                        1. Violations and their effects on system robustness
                        2. Interface Segregation Principle
                          1. Ideal practices for interface design
                            1. Examples of large and small interfaces
                              1. Consequences of not following the principle
                              2. Dependency Inversion Principle
                                1. Depend on abstractions, not concretions
                                  1. Example implementations and real-world applications
                                    1. Benefits and challenges in enforcing the principle
                                  2. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
                                    1. Definition and rationale
                                      1. Identifying duplication in code
                                        1. Techniques for reducing redundancy
                                          1. Refactoring examples
                                            1. Role of inheritance and interfaces
                                          2. KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
                                            1. Importance of simplicity in design
                                              1. Balancing simplicity with functionality
                                                1. Real-world examples and ongoing challenges
                                                2. YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It)
                                                  1. Avoiding unnecessary complexity
                                                    1. Project planning and scope definition
                                                      1. Framework and library selection considerations
                                                      2. Other Best Practices
                                                        1. Encapsulation as a complementary principle
                                                          1. Favor composition over inheritance
                                                            1. Examples and scenarios
                                                              1. Benefits and trade-offs
                                                              2. Code readability and comment usage
                                                                1. Best practices for code commenting
                                                                  1. Role of documentation in maintaining clarity
                                                                  2. Testing methodologies in OOP
                                                                    1. Unit testing object-oriented code
                                                                      1. Role of mock objects and test doubles
                                                                      2. Version control strategies for OOP projects
                                                                        1. Branching strategies
                                                                          1. Managing large legacy codebases
                                                                          2. Continuous integration/deployment in an OOP context
                                                                            1. Tools and practices
                                                                              1. Handling dependencies and build processes