Useful Links
Economic sciences
Economics and Finance
Advanced Topics in Microeconomics
Game Theory
Basics of Game Theory
Components of a Game
Strategic Form and Extensive Form Games
Zero-sum vs Non-zero-sum Games
Nash Equilibrium
Definition and Explanation
Finding Nash Equilibria
Best Response Functions
Mixed Strategies
Applications in Economics
Competitive Markets
Dominant Strategies
Definition of Dominant and Dominated Strategies
Identification in Different Game Scenarios
Dominance Solvable Games
Repeated Games
Infinite vs Finite Horizon
Trigger Strategies
Grim Trigger
Folk Theorem and Outcomes of Repeated Interaction
Cooperative Games
Cooperative vs Non-Cooperative Game Theory
Coalition Formation
Shapley Value and Core Concepts
Types of Auctions
English Auction
Dutch Auction
First-price Sealed-bid Auction
Second-price Sealed-bid (Vickrey) Auction
Auction Design and Strategy
Private Value vs Common Value Auctions
Bidder Behavior
Reserve Prices and Seller Strategies
Revenue Equivalence Theorem
Theoretical Background
Implications for Auction Design
Applications of Auctions
Public Sector: Spectrum Allocation
Private Sector: Online Platform Auctions
Contract Theory
Introduction to Contract Theory
Elements of Contracts
Parties Involved
Agreement and Obligations
Information Asymmetries in Contractual Settings
Principal-Agent Problem
Definition and Key Issues
Hidden Actions and Hidden Information
Solutions and Mechanisms
Incentive Compatibility
Moral Hazard Solutions
Incentive Structures
Design of Incentives
Implementation of Different Pay Schemes
Fixed Wages
Performance-Based Pay
Role of Monitoring
Incomplete Contracts
Reasons for Incompleteness
Mechanisms to Deal with Incomplete Contracts
Relational Contracts
Sustaining Cooperation Over Time
Role of Reputation and Trust in Contracts
Mechanism Design
Introduction and Definition
Objectives and Constraints in Mechanism Design
Implementation Theory
Direct and Indirect Mechanism
Application Areas
Market Design
Auction Design
Network Economics
Network Structure and Behavior
Nodes and Links
Types of Networks
Network Effects
Positive and Negative Externalities
Tipping Points and Critical Mass
Economic Implications
Pricing in Network Markets
Strategic Alliances and Partnerships
Behavioral Game Theory
Departures from Traditional Rationality
Experiments and Models in Behavioral Game Theory
Applications to Real-world Scenarios
Dynamic Stochastic Games
Concept and Framework
Applications in Economics
Investment Decisions
Policy Formulation
Experimental Economics
Role of Laboratory Experiments
Design and Conduct of Economic Experiments
Behavioral Analysis and Insights
9. Information Economics
First Page
11. Recent Developments and Trends