Game Theory

  1. Historical and Theoretical Development
    1. Foundational Figures
      1. John von Neumann
        1. Contributions to mathematics and physics
          1. Development of the minimax theorem
            1. Foundational work in cooperative and non-cooperative games
            2. John Nash
              1. Introduction of Nash Equilibrium
                1. Contributions to bargaining theory
                  1. Impact on economics and strategic decision making
                  2. Oskar Morgenstern
                    1. Collaborations with John von Neumann
                      1. Co-authoring "Theory of Games and Economic Behavior"
                        1. Influence on economic applications of game theory
                        2. Other Influential Researchers
                          1. Émile Borel's preliminary work on mixed strategies
                            1. Contributions by Reinhard Selten and the development of subgame perfect equilibrium
                              1. Contributions to evolutionary game theory by John Maynard Smith
                            2. Evolution of Concepts
                              1. Development of Strategic Form Games
                                1. Early models and assumptions
                                  1. Introduction of mixed strategies
                                    1. Expansion to games with more than two players
                                    2. Evolution of Extensive Form Games
                                      1. Introduction of game trees and backward induction
                                        1. Inclusion of chance moves and imperfect information
                                        2. Shifts in Utility Theory
                                          1. From cardinal to ordinal utility
                                            1. The emergence of expected utility theory
                                            2. Refinement of Equilibrium Concepts
                                              1. Dominant strategies and rationalizability
                                                1. Perfect Bayesian equilibrium and signaling games
                                                  1. Expansion in handling simultaneous and sequential moves
                                                  2. Interactions and Overlaps with Other Disciplines
                                                    1. Influence of economics on incentive structures
                                                      1. Interactions with evolutionary biology in strategy adaptation
                                                        1. Psychological insights into bounded rationality and heuristic models
                                                      2. Interdisciplinary Connections
                                                        1. Economics
                                                          1. Contribution to the understanding of oligopolies and competitive strategies
                                                            1. Development of auction theory and market design
                                                              1. Impact on contract theory and principal-agent problems
                                                              2. Political Science
                                                                1. Game theory in understanding voting mechanisms and power structures
                                                                  1. Applications in modeling international relations and conflict resolution
                                                                  2. Computer Science
                                                                    1. Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design in computer networks
                                                                      1. Use in designing cryptographic protocols and cybersecurity strategies
                                                                        1. Applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning
                                                                        2. Biology
                                                                          1. Evolutionary strategies and the development of the hawk-dove game
                                                                            1. Analysis of animal behaviors and ecosystems through evolutionary stability
                                                                            2. Psychology
                                                                              1. Behavioral game theory and the study of human decision-making processes
                                                                                1. Investigation of risk preferences and psychological biases
                                                                                  1. Connection to cognitive science and neuroeconomics