Useful Links
Game Theory
Applications of Game Theory
Market Competition
Oligopolistic Markets
Cournot Competition
Bertrand Pricing
Collusion and Cartels
Auction Markets
Reserve Pricing
Winner's Curse
Bidder Strategy
Bargaining and Negotiations
Nash Bargaining Solution
Coase Theorem and Transaction Costs
Labor Dispute Resolutions
Contract Theory
Principal-Agent Problem
Incentive Structures
Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
Political Science
Voting Systems
Strategic Voting
Electoral Systems and Game Theory
Gerrymandering and Voting Outcomes
Coalition Formation
Power Indexes (e.g., Banzhaf, Shapley-Shubik)
Coalition Stability
Minority and Majority Dynamics
War and Conflict Analysis
Deterrence and Arms Races
Game Theoretic Modeling of War
Peace Negotiation Strategies
Computer Science
Algorithmic Game Theory
Complexity of Strategy Computation
Network Congestion Games
Pricing Algorithms
Distributed Systems
Load Balancing
Resource Allocation
Fault Tolerance and Game Theory
Cryptographic Protocol Design
Nash Equilibrium in Security Systems
Blockchain and Game Theory
Behavioral Game Theory
Experimentally Observed Behavior
Prospect Theory
Altruism and Fairness in Games
Decision Making
Heuristics and Biases
Framing Effects
Social Preferences and Reciprocity
5. Advanced Concepts
First Page
7. Mathematical Tools in Game Theory