Evolutionary Psychology

  1. Reproductive Behaviors and Strategies
    1. Mate Selection
      1. Mate Preferences
        1. Factors influencing mate choice
          1. Physical attractiveness
            1. Facial symmetry
              1. Body shape and size
              2. Genetic compatibility
                1. Indicators of fertility
                  1. Age and health status
                  2. Psychological traits influencing preference
                    1. Personality compatibility
                      1. Intelligence and creativity
                        1. Emotional stability
                          1. Altruistic behavior
                          2. Cultural and social influences
                            1. Socioeconomic status
                              1. Cultural norms and values
                                1. Social learning and social proof
                              2. Sexual Selection Theory
                                1. Intrasexual competition
                                  1. Male-male competition
                                    1. Female-female competition
                                    2. Intersexual selection
                                      1. Mating displays and courtship behaviors
                                        1. Evolution of physical and behavioral signals
                                        2. Costs and benefits of mate selection strategies
                                          1. Resource acquisition
                                            1. Risk of predation
                                              1. Time and energy investment
                                          2. Mating Systems
                                            1. Monogamy
                                              1. Benefits of monogamy
                                                1. Parental cooperation
                                                  1. Paternity certainty
                                                  2. Types of monogamy
                                                    1. Social monogamy
                                                      1. Sexual monogamy
                                                      2. Evolutionary explanations for monogamy
                                                      3. Polygamy
                                                        1. Types of polygamy
                                                          1. Polygyny
                                                            1. Benefits for males and females
                                                              1. Ecological and social influences
                                                              2. Polyandry
                                                                1. Advantages for females
                                                                  1. Genetic diversity benefits
                                                                2. Factors influencing occurrence of polygamy
                                                                  1. Resource distribution
                                                                    1. Operational sex ratio
                                                                3. Parental Investment and Offspring Care
                                                                  1. Parental Investment Theory
                                                                    1. Allocation of resources to offspring
                                                                      1. Trade-offs between mate acquisition and parenting
                                                                      2. Strategies for parental care
                                                                        1. Maternal vs. paternal investment
                                                                          1. Factors determining investment levels
                                                                            1. Offspring survival probability
                                                                              1. Paternity certainty
                                                                            2. Evolutionary conflicts in parenting
                                                                              1. Parent-offspring conflict
                                                                                1. Weaning and resource allocation
                                                                                2. Sibling rivalry
                                                                                  1. Competition for parental resources
                                                                              2. Sexual Dimorphism and Behavioral Implications
                                                                                1. Evolution and significance of sexual dimorphism
                                                                                  1. Physical differences between sexes
                                                                                    1. Behavioral differences and adaptations
                                                                                    2. Impact on mating and reproductive strategies
                                                                                      1. Sex-specific reproductive tactics
                                                                                        1. Role of hormones in behavior
                                                                                        2. Implications for social structures and roles
                                                                                          1. Division of labor
                                                                                            1. Gender roles and cultural variations