Employment Law

  1. Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
    1. Union Rights and Responsibilities
      1. Union Formation and Membership
        1. Steps to form a union
          1. Employee rights to organize
            1. Employer resistance to union formation
            2. Union certification process
              1. Recognition by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
                1. Certification elections
                2. Membership obligations and dues
                  1. Union dues and fees
                    1. Maintenance of membership agreements
                      1. Union security agreements (e.g., agency shops)
                    2. Collective Bargaining Processes
                      1. Negotiation Preparation
                        1. Understanding collective bargaining agreements (CBAs)
                          1. Assembling a negotiating team
                            1. Analyzing workforce needs and preparing proposals
                            2. Bargaining Sessions
                              1. Processes for negotiation
                                1. Good faith bargaining requirements
                                  1. Strategies for effective negotiation
                                  2. Reaching an Agreement
                                    1. Tentative agreements
                                      1. Ratification by union membership
                                        1. Implementation of CBAs
                                    2. Labor Disputes and Resolution
                                      1. Strikes and Lockouts
                                        1. Types of strikes
                                          1. Economic strikes
                                            1. Unfair labor practice strikes
                                              1. Sympathy strikes
                                              2. Employer lockouts
                                                1. Strategies and impacts on workforce
                                                2. Resolution mechanisms
                                                  1. Return-to-work agreements
                                                    1. Reinstatement of workers
                                                  2. Arbitration and Mediation
                                                    1. Role of arbitration in labor disputes
                                                      1. Binding vs. non-binding arbitration
                                                        1. Selecting arbitrators
                                                          1. Arbitration procedures and outcomes
                                                          2. Mediation as a tool for dispute resolution
                                                            1. Voluntary vs. mandatory mediation
                                                              1. Mediator selection and process
                                                                1. Achieving mutually agreeable solutions
                                                            2. Impacts of Collective Bargaining
                                                              1. On Employers
                                                                1. Changes in operational costs
                                                                  1. Impacts on workplace policies and culture
                                                                    1. Long-term strategic planning adjustments
                                                                    2. On Employees
                                                                      1. Improvements in wages and working conditions
                                                                        1. Job security and grievance procedures
                                                                          1. Enhanced workplace rights and representation
                                                                          2. On Industries
                                                                            1. Standardization through industry-wide agreements
                                                                              1. Influences on competitiveness and innovation
                                                                                1. Labor market dynamics and skill demand