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Ecology and Environmental Biology
Types of ecosystems
Terrestrial ecosystems
Forest ecosystems
Tropical rainforests
Temperate forests
Boreal forests (taiga)
Forest floor biodiversity
Canopy layer interactions
Human impacts on forests
Grassland ecosystems
Steppe regions
Fire ecology in grasslands
Grazing and grassland dynamics
Conservation challenges in grasslands
Desert ecosystems
Hot deserts
Cold deserts
Adaptations of desert flora and fauna
Water conservation strategies
Desertification and its challenges
Tundra ecosystems
Arctic tundra
Alpine tundra
Permafrost dynamics
Plant and animal adaptations to cold
Impacts of climate change on tundra
Aquatic ecosystems
Freshwater ecosystems
Thermal stratification
Eutrophication issues
Rivers and streams
River continuum concept
Riparian zones
Impact of dams and flow regulation
Wetland conservation and management
Marine ecosystems
Major oceanic zones (pelagic, benthic)
Ocean currents and their ecological impacts
Deep sea ecosystems
Coral reefs
Coral symbiosis and bleaching
Reef biodiversity
Threats to coral reefs
Brackish ecosystems
Nutrient dynamics
Estuarine biodiversity and conservation
Ecosystem dynamics
Energy flow in ecosystems
Photosynthesis and primary productivity
Energy transfer efficiency
Food chain dynamics
Nutrient cycling
Carbon cycle
Sources and sinks
Impact of human activities on the carbon cycle
Nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen fixation processes
Human-induced alterations (fertilizers, pollution)
Phosphorus cycle
Role in aquatic ecosystems
Eutrophication from phosphorus runoff
Water cycle
Global hydrological processes
Anthropogenic effects on the water cycle
Trophic levels and food webs
Autotrophs, herbivores, carnivores, and decomposers
Keystone species and ecological balance
Impact of apex predators on ecosystem stability
Ecosystem services
Provisioning services
Food production and supply
Water availability and purification
Raw materials and genetic resources
Regulating services
Climate regulation
Disease regulation
Flood and erosion control
Cultural services
Ecotourism and recreation
Spiritual and historical significance
Educational and scientific opportunities
Supporting services
Soil formation and fertility
Pollination and seed dispersal
Biodiversity maintenance and habitats
2. Environmental Biology
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4. Biodiversity