Developmental Biology

  1. Embryonic Patterning
    1. Axis Formation
      1. Anterior-Posterior Axis
        1. Establishment of polarity in early embryo
          1. Role of maternal effect genes (e.g., bicoid in Drosophila)
            1. Segmentation genes and segment polarity genes
              1. Morphogen gradients
              2. Dorsal-Ventral Axis
                1. Role of signaling pathways (e.g., BMP and Chordin/Noggin interplay)
                  1. Role of maternal dorsal determinants like Wnt
                    1. Interactions between ectodermal and mesodermal tissues
                      1. Gastrulation and layer specification
                      2. Left-Right Asymmetry
                        1. Nodal signaling and left-right patterning
                          1. Asymmetric expression of genes (e.g., Pitx2)
                            1. Mechanisms of symmetry breaking at cellular level
                              1. Implications for organ development (e.g., heart, lungs)
                            2. Homeotic Genes and Hox Gene Clusters
                              1. Discovery and function of homeotic genes
                                1. Role of Hox genes in regional identity and specification
                                  1. Conservation of Hox gene clusters across species
                                    1. Hox gene regulatory networks and enhancers
                                      1. Misregulation and evolutionary implications of Hox genes
                                      2. Segmentation and Regional Specificity
                                        1. Genetic mechanisms behind segmentation
                                          1. Role of pair-rule genes and segmentation gene hierarchy
                                            1. Gap genes and fine-tuning of patterns
                                            2. Evolutionary aspects of segmentation
                                              1. Regional specificity and positional information
                                                1. Retinoic acid signaling and anterior-posterior patterning
                                                  1. Regional identity of neural tissue
                                                  2. Developmental control of body plans and modularity
                                                  3. Molecular Pathways in Patterning
                                                    1. Key pathways including Wnt, Hedgehog, and BMP
                                                      1. Cross-talk between different signaling pathways
                                                        1. Temporal and spatial regulation of pathway activity
                                                          1. Role in induction and tissue patterning
                                                          2. Mechanisms of Morphogen Gradient Formation
                                                            1. Diffusion and inhibitor-models
                                                              1. Role of transporters and extracellular modifications
                                                                1. Measurement and modeling of gradient dynamics
                                                                  1. Impacts on cell fate determination
                                                                  2. Techniques for Studying Embryonic Patterning
                                                                    1. Genetic and molecular tools (e.g., CRISPR, gene knockdowns)
                                                                      1. Live imaging techniques to track pattern formation
                                                                        1. Use of transgenic model organisms
                                                                          1. Quantitative modeling and computational simulations
                                                                          2. Challenges and Future Directions
                                                                            1. Understanding redundancy and robustness in patterning
                                                                              1. Integration of multilayered biological information
                                                                                1. Application of systems biology to patterning
                                                                                  1. Translating patterning concepts to regenerative medicine