Contracts Law

  1. Interpretation of Contracts
    1. Principles of Interpretation
      1. Objective Theory of Contracts
        1. Intent of the Parties
          1. Reasonable Person Standard
          2. Contextual Interpretation
            1. Consideration of Entirety of the Contract
              1. Pre-contractual Negotiations
                1. Actual Language of the Text
              2. Rules of Interpretation
                1. Plain Meaning Rule
                  1. Avoidance of Absurdity
                  2. Contra Proferentem
                    1. Interpretation Against Drafter
                      1. Application in Adhesion Contracts
                      2. Ejusdem Generis
                        1. General Words Followed by Specific Words
                          1. Limitation on Application of General Terms
                          2. Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius
                            1. Exclusion of Other Items Not Enumerated
                              1. Application in Limited Contexts
                            2. Parol Evidence Rule
                              1. Definition and Purpose
                                1. Application and Exceptions
                                  1. Subsequent Modifications
                                    1. Collateral Agreements
                                      1. Ambiguity
                                        1. Fraud, Duress, or Mistake
                                      2. Ambiguity and Vagueness
                                        1. Determining Ambiguity
                                          1. Patent Ambiguity
                                            1. Latent Ambiguity
                                            2. Resolving Ambiguity
                                              1. Use of Extrinsic Evidence
                                                1. Role of Judicial Interpretation
                                              2. Custom and Usage
                                                1. Definition and Importance
                                                  1. Use in Interpretation
                                                    1. Industry Norms and Practices
                                                    2. Differentiation from Course of Performance and Course of Dealing
                                                      1. Prior Dealings Between Parties
                                                        1. Established Patterns of Conduct
                                                      2. Integration and Merger Clauses
                                                        1. Full Agreement Writing
                                                          1. Effect on Allowance of Extrinsic Evidence
                                                            1. Situations Affecting Enforceability
                                                            2. Specific Contract Clauses and Their Interpretation
                                                              1. Force Majeure Clauses
                                                                1. Interpretation of Supervening Events
                                                                  1. Allocating Risks of Unforeseen Circumstances
                                                                  2. Choice of Law and Forum Clauses
                                                                    1. Interpretation of Jurisdictional Selection
                                                                      1. Enforceability in Different Jurisdictions
                                                                      2. Indemnity Clauses
                                                                        1. Scope of Indemnification
                                                                          1. Interpretation of Liability Assumption
                                                                        2. Interpretation in Context of Invalid or Unenforceable Provisions
                                                                          1. Severability Clauses
                                                                            1. Effect of Invalid Clauses on Remaining Contract
                                                                              1. Judicial Preferences in Enforcing Valid Portions
                                                                              2. Partial Invalidity
                                                                                1. Interpretation to Uphold Intent of the Parties
                                                                                  1. Modifications to Preserve Contractual Relationship
                                                                                2. Role of Courts in Contract Interpretation
                                                                                  1. Judicial Activism vs. Judicial Restraint
                                                                                    1. Legislative Intent and Statutory Overrides
                                                                                      1. Deference to Arbitration in Interpretation