Computational Physics

  1. Historical Context
    1. Evolution of Computational Methods
      1. Early Computational Techniques
        1. Abacuses and Ancient Tools
          1. Mechanical Calculators in the 17th Century
          2. Development of Numerical Analysis
            1. Numerical Solutions of Algebraic Equations
              1. Development of Finite Difference Methods in the 1920s
              2. Transition to Computer-Based Computation
                1. The Invention of Electronic Computers in the 1940s
                  1. Introduction of the Monte Carlo Method in the 1940s
                  2. Advancements in Algorithms
                    1. Introduction of the Fast Fourier Transform in the 1960s
                      1. Evolution of Finite Element Methods in the 1950s and 1960s
                      2. Rise of High-Performance Computing (HPC)
                        1. Development of Supercomputers in the 1970s
                          1. Parallel Computing and Grid Computing in the 1990s
                        2. Key Figures and Contributions
                          1. Pioneering Mathematicians and Scientists
                            1. Contributions of Carl Friedrich Gauss to Least Squares
                              1. Development of Numerical Methods by Sir Isaac Newton
                              2. Influential Computer Scientists
                                1. John von Neumann and the Development of Monte Carlo Methods
                                  1. Donald Knuth’s Contributions to Algorithms and Computing
                                  2. Innovators in Computational Physics
                                    1. Contributions of Richard Feynman
                                      1. Impactful Works of Stephen Wolfram in Cellular Automata
                                    2. Milestones in Computational Physics
                                      1. Landmark Projects and Simulations
                                        1. ENIAC and Early Weather Prediction Models
                                          1. Simulation of Nuclear Reactions in the Manhattan Project
                                          2. Breakthroughs in Software Development
                                            1. Emergence of Specialized Software for Physics Simulation in the 1970s
                                              1. Evolution of MATLAB and Mathematica in the 1980s
                                              2. Societal and Scientific Impacts
                                                1. Expansion of Computational Techniques in the Space Race
                                                  1. Computational Contributions to the Human Genome Project
                                                  2. Recognition and Awards
                                                    1. Milestones Marked by Nobel Prizes in Physics with Computational Focus