Computational Chemistry

  1. Key Concepts
    1. Potential Energy Surface (PES)
      1. Definition and Importance
        1. Representation of energy changes as a function of molecular geometry
          1. Crucial for understanding chemical reactions and molecular dynamics
          2. Calculation Methods
            1. Quantum mechanical calculations
              1. Hartree-Fock approximations
                1. Density Functional Theory (DFT)
                  1. Post-Hartree-Fock methods
                  2. Empirical and semi-empirical methods
                  3. Visualization Techniques
                    1. Contour plots
                      1. Three-dimensional surface plots
                    2. Reaction Pathways
                      1. Transition State Theory
                        1. Fundamental Concept
                          1. Energy barrier between reactants and products
                            1. Activated complex or transition state formation
                            2. Applications in Kinetics
                              1. Rate constant calculations
                                1. Arrhenius equation
                                2. Methods to Determine Transition States
                                  1. Intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC)
                                    1. Nudged Elastic Band (NEB) method
                                  2. Minimum Energy Path
                                    1. Definition
                                      1. Path of least resistance on the PES
                                        1. Determines reaction mechanism
                                        2. Identification Techniques
                                          1. Gradient descent techniques
                                            1. String methods
                                            2. Applications in Catalysis
                                              1. Optimization of catalytic processes
                                                1. Investigation of reaction mechanisms
                                            3. Electron Correlation
                                              1. Definition
                                                1. Interaction between electrons not accounted for in independent particle models
                                                2. Importance in Quantum Chemistry
                                                  1. Necessary for accurate energy calculations
                                                    1. Influences chemical bonding and reactivity
                                                    2. Methods to Evaluate
                                                      1. Configuration interaction (CI)
                                                        1. Coupled cluster methods (CC)
                                                          1. Multi-reference methods (e.g., CASSCF)
                                                        2. Solvation Models
                                                          1. Implicit Solvent Models
                                                            1. Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM)
                                                              1. Simplifies solvent as a continuous medium
                                                                1. Reduces computational cost by avoiding explicit solvent simulations
                                                                2. COSMO and SMD models for different solvent environments
                                                                3. Explicit Solvent Models
                                                                  1. Detailed Representation
                                                                    1. Individual solvent molecules are simulated explicitly
                                                                      1. More realistic but computationally intensive
                                                                      2. Applications and Limitations
                                                                        1. Used for high precision in solute-solvent interactions
                                                                          1. Requires extensive computational resources and time
                                                                          2. Hybrid Models
                                                                            1. Combining explicit and implicit approaches for balanced accuracy and efficiency