Behavioral Psychology

  1. Theoretical Foundations
    1. Classical Conditioning
      1. Definition and Mechanism
        1. Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
          1. A stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response
            1. Examples in daily life: food causing salivation
            2. Unconditioned Response (UCR)
              1. The natural response to the unconditioned stimulus
                1. Characteristics and how it is elicited
                2. Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
                  1. Previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the UCS, triggers a conditioned response
                    1. Examples: bell in Pavlov’s experiment
                    2. Conditioned Response (CR)
                      1. The learned response to the previously neutral stimulus
                        1. Process of acquisition and factors affecting CR
                      2. Key Experiments
                        1. Pavlov's Dogs
                          1. Detailed examination of methodologies and findings
                            1. Implications for understanding associative learning
                          2. Applications
                            1. Phobias and Desensitization
                              1. Systematic desensitization techniques
                                1. Examples of phobias treated with classic conditioning principles
                                2. Other uses
                                  1. Advertising techniques to create associations
                                    1. Habituation and its distinction from conditioning
                                3. Operant Conditioning
                                  1. Definition and Mechanism
                                    1. Positive Reinforcement
                                      1. Reinforced behavior through rewarding stimuli
                                        1. Examples: giving a child a treat for good behavior
                                        2. Negative Reinforcement
                                          1. Strengthening behavior by removing an aversive stimulus
                                            1. Examples: taking pain medication to reduce pain
                                            2. Positive Punishment
                                              1. Introducing an unfavorable consequence to reduce behavior
                                                1. Discuss efficacy and ethical considerations
                                                2. Negative Punishment
                                                  1. Removing a pleasant stimulus to decrease behavior
                                                    1. Examples and application in behavior management
                                                  2. Key Experiments
                                                    1. Skinner's Box
                                                      1. Description of setup and significance of results
                                                        1. Variations and their implications on behavioral understanding
                                                        2. Thorndike's Puzzle Box
                                                          1. Discussion of Law of Effect
                                                            1. How it laid groundwork for Skinner’s work
                                                          2. Schedules of Reinforcement
                                                            1. Fixed-Ratio Schedules
                                                              1. Characteristics and effect on response rate
                                                                1. Examples in real-world scenarios
                                                                2. Variable-Ratio Schedules
                                                                  1. Unpredictability and effect on behavior persistence
                                                                  2. Fixed-Interval Schedules
                                                                    1. Time-based reinforcement and its impact on response patterns
                                                                    2. Variable-Interval Schedules
                                                                      1. Description and its application in settings such as pop quizzes
                                                                  3. Social Learning Theory
                                                                    1. Definition and Mechanism
                                                                      1. Combines behavioral and cognitive theories of learning
                                                                        1. Emphasis on observational learning
                                                                        2. Role of Observation and Imitation
                                                                          1. Detailed account of the process of learning through models
                                                                            1. Factors influencing model effectiveness
                                                                            2. Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment
                                                                              1. Detailed breakdown of the method and conclusions
                                                                                1. Impact on understanding aggression and media influence
                                                                                2. Influence Beyond Behavior
                                                                                  1. Contributions to understanding self-efficacy and motivation
                                                                                    1. Application in educational environments and skill acquisition