Administrative Law

  1. Administrative Agencies
    1. Definition and Characteristics
      1. Quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial functions
        1. Distinction from traditional legislative bodies
          1. Role in policy implementation and regulation
          2. Types of Administrative Agencies
            1. Executive Agencies
              1. Direct control by the President or Governor
                1. Integration with government departments
                2. Independent Regulatory Agencies
                  1. Operational independence from executive branches
                    1. Protection through statutory requirements such as fixed terms
                      1. Examples include FCC and FTC
                    2. Creation and Abolition of Agencies
                      1. Legislative Process
                        1. Statutory establishment by Congress or state legislatures
                          1. Specific authorizing statutes outlining powers and purposes
                          2. Sunset Provisions
                            1. Mechanisms for automatic expiration unless reauthorized
                              1. Evaluations and assessments required for continuation
                              2. Executive Reorganization
                                1. Presidential authority and restructuring plans
                                  1. Impacts on agency missions and functions
                                2. Functions and Powers
                                  1. Rulemaking
                                    1. Authority to create regulations with force of law
                                      1. Administrative Procedures for public participation
                                      2. Adjudication
                                        1. Resolution and enforcement of regulatory disputes
                                          1. Role of administrative law judges
                                          2. Enforcement
                                            1. Monitoring compliance with statutory and regulatory mandates
                                              1. Implementation of penalties and corrective actions
                                              2. Investigation
                                                1. Conducting inquiries into compliance and regulatory breaches
                                                  1. Issuing subpoenas and gathering evidence
                                                2. Accountability Mechanisms
                                                  1. Oversight by Executive
                                                    1. Executive Orders and directives affecting agency operations
                                                      1. Reporting requirements and budget controls
                                                      2. Legislative Oversight
                                                        1. Congressional hearings and reports
                                                          1. Creation of inspector generals for internal reviews
                                                          2. Public Accountability
                                                            1. Transparency through open records and meetings
                                                              1. Stakeholder engagement and feedback processes
                                                                1. Assessing agency effectiveness and public trust
                                                              2. Organizational Structure and Management
                                                                1. Hierarchical models and chain of command
                                                                  1. Roles of commissioners and agency heads
                                                                    1. Staff appointments and internal governance policies
                                                                    2. Challenges and Reforms
                                                                      1. Evolving political and economic environments
                                                                        1. Calls for increased transparency and reduced bureaucracy
                                                                          1. Technological advancements and regulatory adaptation
                                                                          2. Interactions with Stakeholders
                                                                            1. Engagement with industries and professional associations
                                                                              1. Public consultations and collaborative initiatives
                                                                                1. Responsiveness to citizen concerns and advocacy groups