Abstract Algebra

  1. Rings
    1. Definition and Examples
      1. Basic Definition: A set equipped with two binary operations satisfying properties analogous to those of addition and multiplication.
        1. Examples of Rings:
          1. Integers under usual addition and multiplication
            1. The set of n x n matrices over a field with matrix addition and multiplication
              1. Polynomial rings over a field
                1. The ring of continuous functions from a topological space to the real numbers
                  1. The ring of integers modulo n
                2. Ring Axioms
                  1. Addition Operation
                    1. Commutative: \(a + b = b + a\) for all \(a, b\)
                      1. Associative: \(a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c\)
                        1. Existence of Additive Identity: There exists an element \(0\) such that \(a + 0 = a\)
                          1. Existence of Additive Inverses: For every \(a\), there exists \(-a\) such that \(a + (-a) = 0\)
                          2. Multiplication Operation
                            1. Associative: \(a(bc) = (ab)c\)
                              1. Existence of Multiplicative Identity (in some rings): An element \(1\) such that \(a \times 1 = a = 1 \times a\)
                              2. Distributive Property
                                1. Left Distributive: \(a(b + c) = ab + ac\)
                                  1. Right Distributive: \((a + b)c = ac + bc\)
                                2. Types of Rings
                                  1. Commutative Rings: Rings where multiplication is commutative (\(ab = ba\))
                                    1. Division Rings: Rings where every non-zero element has a multiplicative inverse
                                      1. Integral Domains: Commutative rings with no zero divisors (if \(ab = 0\), then \(a = 0\) or \(b = 0\))
                                        1. Fields as Extensions: Integral domains where every non-zero element is invertible
                                      2. Ideals and Factor Rings
                                        1. Principal Ideals
                                          1. Definition: An ideal generated by a single element
                                            1. Examples: \(n\mathbb{Z}\) in \(\mathbb{Z}\)
                                            2. Prime Ideals
                                              1. Definition and Properties: An ideal \(P\) such that if \(ab \in P\), then \(a \in P\) or \(b \in P\)
                                                1. Relation to Integral Domains: Prime ideals of the ring are crucial in making factor rings that are integral domains
                                                2. Maximal Ideals
                                                  1. Definition: An ideal \(M\) such that there are no other ideals between \(M\) and the ring itself
                                                    1. Factor Rings and Fields: The factor ring formed by a maximal ideal is a field
                                                    2. Factorization in Rings
                                                      1. Unique Factorization Domains: Rings where every element can be uniquely factored into irreducible elements
                                                        1. The Role of Ideals in Factorization
                                                      2. Ring Homomorphisms
                                                        1. Properties and Definitions
                                                          1. Definition: A function between two rings preserving addition and multiplication
                                                            1. Properties: Maps identities to identities if they exist
                                                            2. Kernel and Image
                                                              1. Kernel as an Ideal: The set of elements mapped to zero forms an ideal
                                                                1. Image: The set of all outputs of a homomorphism forms a subring
                                                                  1. Isomorphisms and Ring Equivalence: Ring homomorphisms that are bijections establish ring isomorphisms
                                                                2. Polynomial Rings
                                                                  1. Construction and Properties
                                                                    1. Definition: Rings consisting of polynomials with coefficients from a particular ring
                                                                      1. Operations on Polynomial Rings: Addition and multiplication as natural extensions from coefficients
                                                                      2. Division Algorithm and Euclidean Rings
                                                                        1. Division Algorithm: The division of polynomials with remainder
                                                                          1. Euclidean Domains: Rings where Euclidean algorithm is applicable, extending the notion of divisibility to rings
                                                                          2. Irreducibility and Factorization
                                                                            1. Criteria for Irreducibility Over Fields
                                                                              1. Applications in Extensions and Field Theory