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Abstract Algebra
Definition and Examples
Basic Definition: A set equipped with two binary operations satisfying properties analogous to those of addition and multiplication.
Examples of Rings:
Integers under usual addition and multiplication
The set of n x n matrices over a field with matrix addition and multiplication
Polynomial rings over a field
The ring of continuous functions from a topological space to the real numbers
The ring of integers modulo n
Ring Axioms
Addition Operation
Commutative: \(a + b = b + a\) for all \(a, b\)
Associative: \(a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c\)
Existence of Additive Identity: There exists an element \(0\) such that \(a + 0 = a\)
Existence of Additive Inverses: For every \(a\), there exists \(-a\) such that \(a + (-a) = 0\)
Multiplication Operation
Associative: \(a(bc) = (ab)c\)
Existence of Multiplicative Identity (in some rings): An element \(1\) such that \(a \times 1 = a = 1 \times a\)
Distributive Property
Left Distributive: \(a(b + c) = ab + ac\)
Right Distributive: \((a + b)c = ac + bc\)
Types of Rings
Commutative Rings: Rings where multiplication is commutative (\(ab = ba\))
Division Rings: Rings where every non-zero element has a multiplicative inverse
Integral Domains: Commutative rings with no zero divisors (if \(ab = 0\), then \(a = 0\) or \(b = 0\))
Fields as Extensions: Integral domains where every non-zero element is invertible
Ideals and Factor Rings
Principal Ideals
Definition: An ideal generated by a single element
Examples: \(n\mathbb{Z}\) in \(\mathbb{Z}\)
Prime Ideals
Definition and Properties: An ideal \(P\) such that if \(ab \in P\), then \(a \in P\) or \(b \in P\)
Relation to Integral Domains: Prime ideals of the ring are crucial in making factor rings that are integral domains
Maximal Ideals
Definition: An ideal \(M\) such that there are no other ideals between \(M\) and the ring itself
Factor Rings and Fields: The factor ring formed by a maximal ideal is a field
Factorization in Rings
Unique Factorization Domains: Rings where every element can be uniquely factored into irreducible elements
The Role of Ideals in Factorization
Ring Homomorphisms
Properties and Definitions
Definition: A function between two rings preserving addition and multiplication
Properties: Maps identities to identities if they exist
Kernel and Image
Kernel as an Ideal: The set of elements mapped to zero forms an ideal
Image: The set of all outputs of a homomorphism forms a subring
Isomorphisms and Ring Equivalence: Ring homomorphisms that are bijections establish ring isomorphisms
Polynomial Rings
Construction and Properties
Definition: Rings consisting of polynomials with coefficients from a particular ring
Operations on Polynomial Rings: Addition and multiplication as natural extensions from coefficients
Division Algorithm and Euclidean Rings
Division Algorithm: The division of polynomials with remainder
Euclidean Domains: Rings where Euclidean algorithm is applicable, extending the notion of divisibility to rings
Irreducibility and Factorization
Criteria for Irreducibility Over Fields
Applications in Extensions and Field Theory
2. Groups
First Page
4. Fields