Category: Topological games

Binary game
In mathematics, the binary game is a topological game introduced by Stanislaw Ulam in 1935 in an addendum to problem 43 of the Scottish book as a variation of the Banach–Mazur game. In the binary game
Topological game
A topological game is an infinite game of perfect information played between two players on a topological space. Players choose objects with topological properties such as points, open sets, closed se
Banach–Mazur game
In general topology, set theory and game theory, a Banach–Mazur game is a topological game played by two players, trying to pin down elements in a set (space). The concept of a Banach–Mazur game is cl
Banach game
In mathematics, the Banach game is a topological game introduced by Stefan Banach in 1935 in the second addendum to problem 43 of the Scottish book as a variation of the Banach–Mazur game. Given a sub
Choquet game
The Choquet game is a topological game named after Gustave Choquet, who was in 1969 the first to investigate such games. A closely related game is known as the strong Choquet game. Let be a non-empty