Category: Spherical geometry

Spherical cap
In geometry, a spherical cap or spherical dome is a portion of a sphere or of a ball cut off by a plane. It is also a spherical segment of one base, i.e., bounded by a single plane. If the plane passe
Spherical segment
In geometry, a spherical segment is the solid defined by cutting a sphere or a ball with a pair of parallel planes.It can be thought of as a spherical cap with the top truncated, and so it corresponds
Tennis ball theorem
In geometry, the tennis ball theorem states that any smooth curve on the surface of a sphere that divides the sphere into two equal-area subsets without touching or crossing itself must have at least
Spherical wedge
In geometry, a spherical wedge or ungula is a portion of a ball bounded by two plane semidisks and a spherical lune (termed the wedge's base). The angle between the radii lying within the bounding sem
Spherical lune
In spherical geometry, a spherical lune (or biangle) is an area on a sphere bounded by two half great circles which meet at antipodal points. It is an example of a digon, {2}θ, with dihedral angle θ.
Spherical geometry
Spherical geometry is the geometry of the two-dimensional surface of a sphere. In this context the word "sphere" refers only to the 2-dimensional surface and other terms like "ball" or "solid sphere"
In a spherical coordinate system, a colatitude is the complementary angle of a given latitude, i.e. the difference between 90° and the latitude. Here Southern latitudes are defined to be negative, and
Spherical sector
In geometry, a spherical sector, also known as a spherical cone, is a portion of a sphere or of a ball defined by a conical boundary with apex at the center of the sphere. It can be described as the u
Slab (geometry)
In geometry, a slab is a region between two parallel lines in the Euclidean plane, or between two parallel planes or hyperplanes in higher dimensions.
Spherical basis
In pure and applied mathematics, particularly quantum mechanics and computer graphics and their applications, a spherical basis is the basis used to express spherical tensors. The spherical basis clos
Tammes problem
In geometry, the Tammes problem is a problem in packing a given number of circles on the surface of a sphere such that the minimum distance between circles is maximized. It is named after the Dutch bo
Spherical shell
In geometry, a spherical shell is a generalization of an annulus to three dimensions. It is the region of a ball between two concentric spheres of differing radii.
A Treatise on the Circle and the Sphere
A Treatise on the Circle and the Sphere is a mathematics book on circles, spheres, and inversive geometry. It was written by Julian Coolidge, and published by the Clarendon Press in 1916. The Chelsea
In four-dimensional geometry, the spherinder, or spherical cylinder or spherical prism, is a geometric object, defined as the Cartesian product of a 3-ball (or solid 2-sphere) of radius r1 and a line
Lénárt sphere
A Lénárt sphere is a educational manipulative and writing surface for exploring spherical geometry, invented by Hungarian István Lénárt as a modern replacement for a spherical blackboard. It can be us
Tensor operator
In pure and applied mathematics, quantum mechanics and computer graphics, a tensor operator generalizes the notion of operators which are scalars and vectors. A special class of these are spherical te
Fundamental plane (spherical coordinates)
The fundamental plane in a spherical coordinate system is a plane of reference that divides the sphere into two hemispheres. The geocentric latitude of a point is then the angle between the fundamenta
Schwarz triangle function
In complex analysis, the Schwarz triangle function or Schwarz s-function is a function that conformally maps the upper half plane to a triangle in the upper half plane having lines or circular arcs fo
Sphere–cylinder intersection
In the theory of analytic geometry for real three-dimensional space, the curve formed from the intersection between a sphere and a cylinder can be a circle, a point, the empty set, or a special type o
Jack (geometry)
In geometry, a jack is a 3D cross shape consisting of three orthogonal ellipsoids. Sometimes four small spheres are added to the ends of two ellipsoids, to more closely resemble a playing piece from t
Tangent indicatrix
In differential geometry, the tangent indicatrix of a closed space curve is a curve on the unit sphere intimately related to the curvature of the original curve. Let be a closed curve with nowhere-van
Line–sphere intersection
In analytic geometry, a line and a sphere can intersect in three ways: 1. * No intersection at all 2. * Intersection in exactly one point 3. * Intersection in two points. Methods for distinguishing