Category: Similarity measures

SimRank is a general similarity measure, based on a simple and intuitive graph-theoretic model.SimRank is applicable in any domain with object-to-object relationships, that measures similarity of the
Similarity measure
In statistics and related fields, a similarity measure or similarity function or similarity metric is a real-valued function that quantifies the similarity between two objects. Although no single defi
Overlap coefficient
The overlap coefficient, or Szymkiewicz–Simpson coefficient, is a similarity measure that measures the overlap between two finite sets. It is related to the Jaccard index and is defined as the size of
Adamic–Adar index
The Adamic–Adar index is a measure introduced in 2003 by Lada Adamic and to predict links in a social network, according to the amount of shared links between two nodes. It is defined as the sum of th
Sørensen–Dice coefficient
The Sørensen–Dice coefficient (see below for other names) is a statistic used to gauge the similarity of two samples. It was independently developed by the botanists Thorvald Sørensen and Lee Raymond
Tversky index
The Tversky index, named after Amos Tversky, is an asymmetric similarity measure on sets that compares a variant to a prototype. The Tversky index can be seen as a generalization of the Sørensen–Dice
Jaccard index
The Jaccard index, also known as the Jaccard similarity coefficient, is a statistic used for gauging the similarity and diversity of sample sets. It was developed by Grove Karl Gilbert in 1884 as his
Cosine similarity
In data analysis, cosine similarity is a measure of similarity between two sequences of numbers. For defining it, the sequences are viewed as vectors in an inner product space, and the cosine similari
Simple matching coefficient
The simple matching coefficient (SMC) or Rand similarity coefficient is a statistic used for comparing the similarity and diversity of sample sets. Given two objects, A and B, each with n binary attri