Category: Sextic curves

In mathematics, an astroid is a particular type of roulette curve: a hypocycloid with four cusps. Specifically, it is the locus of a point on a circle as it rolls inside a fixed circle with four times
An atriphtaloid, also called an atriphtothlassic curve, is type of sextic plane curve. It is given by the equation where a and b are positive numbers.
Wiman's sextic
In mathematics, Wiman's sextic is a degree 6 plane curve with four nodes studied by Anders Wiman.It is given by the equation (in homogeneous coordinates) Its normalization is a genus 6 curve with auto
The quadrifolium (also known as four-leaved clover) is a type of rose curve with an angular frequency of 2. It has the polar equation: with corresponding algebraic equation Rotated counter-clockwise b
Watt's curve
In mathematics, Watt's curve is a tricircular plane algebraic curve of degree six. It is generated by two circles of radius b with centers distance 2a apart (taken to be at (±a, 0)). A line segment of
Cayley's sextic
In geometry, Cayley's sextic (sextic of Cayley, Cayley's sextet) is a plane curve, a member of the sinusoidal spiral family, first discussed by Colin Maclaurin in 1718. Arthur Cayley was the first to
Butterfly curve (algebraic)
In mathematics, the algebraic butterfly curve is a plane algebraic curve of degree six, given by the equation The butterfly curve has a single singularity with delta invariant three, which means it is
Coble curve
In algebraic geometry, a Coble curve is an irreducible degree-6 planar curve with 10 double points (some of them may be infinitely near points). They were studied by Arthur Coble .
Wirtinger sextic
In mathematics, the Wirtinger plane sextic curve, studied by Wirtinger, is a degree 6 genus 4 plane curve with double points at the 6 vertices of a complete quadrilateral.