Category: Representation theory of groups

Schur orthogonality relations
In mathematics, the Schur orthogonality relations, which were proven by Issai Schur through Schur's lemma, express a central fact about representations of finite groups. They admit a generalization to
Group action
In mathematics, a group action on a space is a group homomorphism of a given group into the group of transformations of the space. Similarly, a group action on a mathematical structure is a group homo
Complex representation
In mathematics, a complex representation is a representation of a group (or that of Lie algebra) on a complex vector space. Sometimes (for example in physics), the term complex representation is reser
Group representation
In the mathematical field of representation theory, group representations describe abstract groups in terms of bijective linear transformations of a vector space to itself (i.e. vector space automorph
Frobenius–Schur indicator
In mathematics, and especially the discipline of representation theory, the Schur indicator, named after Issai Schur, or Frobenius–Schur indicator describes what invariant bilinear forms a given irred
Character theory
In mathematics, more specifically in group theory, the character of a group representation is a function on the group that associates to each group element the trace of the corresponding matrix. The c
Character group
In mathematics, a character group is the group of representations of a group by complex-valued functions. These functions can be thought of as one-dimensional matrix representations and so are special
Complex conjugate representation
In mathematics, if G is a group and Π is a representation of it over the complex vector space V, then the complex conjugate representation Π is defined over the complex conjugate vector space V as fol
Gelfand–Raikov theorem
The Gel'fand–Raikov (Гельфанд–Райков) theorem is a theorem in the theory of locally compact topological groups. It states that a locally compact group is completely determined by its (possibly infinit
Commutation theorem for traces
In mathematics, a commutation theorem for traces explicitly identifies the commutant of a specific von Neumann algebra acting on a Hilbert space in the presence of a trace. The first such result was p
Representation ring
In mathematics, especially in the area of algebra known as representation theory, the representation ring (or Green ring after J. A. Green) of a group is a ring formed from all the (isomorphism classe
Dual representation
In mathematics, if G is a group and ρ is a linear representation of it on the vector space V, then the dual representation ρ* is defined over the dual vector space V* as follows: ρ*(g) is the transpos
B-admissible representation
In mathematics, the formalism of B-admissible representations provides constructions of full Tannakian subcategories of the category of representations of a group G on finite-dimensional vector spaces
Atlas of Lie groups and representations
The Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations is a mathematical project to solve the problem of the unitary dual for real reductive Lie groups. As of March 2008, the following mathematicians are listed
Schur–Weyl duality
Schur–Weyl duality is a mathematical theorem in representation theory that relates irreducible finite-dimensional representations of the general linear and symmetric groups. It is named after two pion
Corepresentations of unitary and antiunitary groups
In quantum mechanics, symmetry operations are of importance ingiving information about solutions to a system.Typically these operations form a mathematicalgroup, such as the rotationgroup SO(3) for sp
Molien's formula
In mathematics, Molien's formula computes the generating function attached to a linear representation of a group G on a finite-dimensional vector space, that counts the homogeneous polynomials of a gi
Monomial representation
In the mathematical fields of representation theory and group theory, a linear representation ρ (rho) of a group G is a monomial representation if there is a finite-index subgroup H and a one-dimensio
In mathematics, a K-finite function is a type of generalized trigonometric polynomial. Here K is some compact group, and the generalization is from the circle group T. From an abstract point of view,
Representation theory of diffeomorphism groups
In mathematics, a source for the representation theory of the group of diffeomorphisms of a smooth manifold M is the initial observation that (for M connected) that group acts transitively on M.
In mathematics, given a group G, a G-module is an abelian group M on which G acts compatibly with the abelian group structure on M. This widely applicable notion generalizes that of a representation o
Matrix coefficient
In mathematics, a matrix coefficient (or matrix element) is a function on a group of a special form, which depends on a linear representation of the group and additional data. Precisely, it is a funct
Group ring
In algebra, a group ring is a free module and at the same time a ring, constructed in a natural way from any given ring and any given group. As a free module, its ring of scalars is the given ring, an
Positive-definite function on a group
In mathematics, and specifically in operator theory, a positive-definite function on a group relates the notions of positivity, in the context of Hilbert spaces, and algebraic groups. It can be viewed
Representation on coordinate rings
In mathematics, a representation on coordinate rings is a representation of a group on coordinate rings of affine varieties. Let X be an affine algebraic variety over an algebraically closed field k o
Gelfand pair
In mathematics, a Gelfand pair is a pair (G,K) consisting of a group G and a subgroup K (called an Euler subgroup of G) that satisfies a certain property on restricted representations. The theory of G
Multiplicity-one theorem
In the mathematical theory of automorphic representations, a multiplicity-one theorem is a result about the representation theory of an adelic reductive algebraic group. The multiplicity in question i
Induced representation
In group theory, the induced representation is a representation of a group, G, which is constructed using a known representation of a subgroup H. Given a representation of H, the induced representatio
Representation rigid group
In mathematics, in the representation theory of groups, a group is said to be representation rigid if for every , it has only finitely many isomorphism classes of complex irreducible representations o
Springer correspondence
In mathematics, the Springer representations are certain representations of the Weyl group W associated to unipotent conjugacy classes of a semisimple algebraic group G. There is another parameter inv
Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture
In mathematics, the Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture is a restriction problem in the representation theory of real or p-adic Lie groups posed by Gan Wee Teck, Benedict Gross, and Dipendra Prasad. The probl
McKay conjecture
In mathematics, specifically in the field of group theory, the McKay Conjecture is a conjecture of equality between the number of irreducible complex characters of degree not divisible by a prime numb
Regular representation
In mathematics, and in particular the theory of group representations, the regular representation of a group G is the linear representation afforded by the group action of G on itself by translation.
Complementary series representation
In mathematics, complementary series representations of a reductive real or p-adic Lie groups are certain irreducible unitary representations that are not tempered and do not appear in the decompositi
Projective representation
In the field of representation theory in mathematics, a projective representation of a group G on a vector space V over a field F is a group homomorphism from G to the projective linear group where GL
Partial group algebra
In mathematics, a partial group algebra is an associative algebra related to the of a group.
Burnside ring
In mathematics, the Burnside ring of a finite group is an algebraic construction that encodes the different ways the group can act on finite sets. The ideas were introduced by William Burnside at the
Tempered representation
In mathematics, a tempered representation of a linear semisimple Lie group is a representation that has a basis whose matrix coefficients lie in the Lp space L2+ε(G) for any ε > 0.
Fontaine's period rings
In mathematics, Fontaine's period rings are a collection of commutative rings first defined by Jean-Marc Fontaine that are used to classify p-adic Galois representations.
P-adic Hodge theory
In mathematics, p-adic Hodge theory is a theory that provides a way to classify and study p-adic Galois representations of characteristic 0 local fields with residual characteristic p (such as Qp). Th
Decomposition matrix
In mathematics, and in particular modular representation theory, a decomposition matrix is a matrix that results from writing the irreducible ordinary characters in terms of the irreducible modular ch