Category: Random variable ordering

Stochastic dominance
Stochastic dominance is a partial order between random variables. It is a form of stochastic ordering. The concept arises in decision theory and decision analysis in situations where one gamble (a pro
Ordinal Pareto efficiency
Ordinal Pareto efficiency refers to several adaptations of the concept of Pareto-efficiency to settings in which the agents only express ordinal utilities over items, but not over bundles. That is, ag
Lexicographic dominance
Lexicographic dominance is a total order between random variables. It is a form of stochastic ordering. It is defined as follows. Random variable A has lexicographic dominance over random variable B (
Stochastic ordering
In probability theory and statistics, a stochastic order quantifies the concept of one random variable being "bigger" than another. These are usually partial orders, so that one random variable may be