Category: Percolation theory

Bootstrap percolation
In statistical mechanics, bootstrap percolation is a percolation process in which a random initial configuration of active cells is selected from a lattice or other space, and then cells with few acti
Water retention on random surfaces
Water retention on random surfaces is the simulation of catching of water in ponds on a surface of cells of various heights on a regular array such as a square lattice, where water is rained down on e
Directed percolation
In statistical physics, directed percolation (DP) refers to a class of models that mimic filtering of fluids through porous materials along a given direction, due to the effect of gravity. Varying the
Random cluster model
In statistical mechanics, probability theory, graph theory, etc. the random cluster model is a random graph that generalizes and unifies the Ising model, Potts model, and percolation model. It is used
Percolation critical exponents
In the context of the physical and mathematical theory of percolation, a percolation transition is characterized by a set of universal critical exponents, which describe the fractal properties of the
Continuum percolation theory
In mathematics and probability theory, continuum percolation theory is a branch of mathematics that extends discrete percolation theory to continuous space (often Euclidean space ℝn). More specificall
First passage percolation
First passage percolation is a mathematical method used to describe the paths reachable in a random medium within a given amount of time.
Percolation threshold
The percolation threshold is a mathematical concept in percolation theory that describes the formation of long-range connectivity in random systems. Below the threshold a giant connected component doe
Invasion percolation
Invasion percolation is a mathematical model of realistic fluid distributions for slow immiscible fluid invasion in porous media, in percolation theory.It "explicitly takes into account the transport
Percolation surface critical behavior
Percolation surface critical behavior concerns the influence of surfaces on the critical behavior of percolation.
Percolation theory
In statistical physics and mathematics, percolation theory describes the behavior of a network when nodes or links are added. This is a geometric type of phase transition, since at a critical fraction