Category: Parity (mathematics)

Parity of zero
In mathematics, zero is an even number. In other words, its parity—the quality of an integer being even or odd—is even. This can be easily verified based on the definition of "even": it is an integer
Nitrogen rule
The nitrogen rule states that organic compounds containing exclusively hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, and the halogens either have (1) an odd nominal mass that indica
Even and odd ordinals
In mathematics, even and odd ordinals extend the concept of parity from the natural numbers to the ordinal numbers. They are useful in some transfinite induction proofs. The literature contains a few
Even code
A binary code is called an even code if the Hamming weight of each of its codewords is even. An even code should have a generator polynomial that include (1+x) minimal polynomial as a product. Further
Kolakoski sequence
In mathematics, the Kolakoski sequence, sometimes also known as the Oldenburger–Kolakoski sequence, is an infinite sequence of symbols {1,2} that is the sequence of run lengths in its own run-length e
Even–odd rule
The even–odd rule is an algorithm implemented in vector-based graphic software, like the PostScript language and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), which determines how a graphical shape with more than o
Gijswijt's sequence
In mathematics, Gijswijt's sequence (named after by Neil Sloane) is a self-describing sequence where each term counts the maximum number of repeated blocks of numbers in the sequence immediately prece
Thue–Morse sequence
In mathematics, the Thue–Morse sequence, or Prouhet–Thue–Morse sequence, is the binary sequence (an infinite sequence of 0s and 1s) obtained by starting with 0 and successively appending the Boolean c
Odd number
No description available.
Singly and doubly even
In mathematics an even integer, that is, a number that is divisible by 2, is called evenly even or doubly even if it is a multiple of 4, and oddly even or singly even if it is not. The former names ar
Division by two
In mathematics, division by two or halving has also been called mediation or dimidiation. The treatment of this as a different operation from multiplication and division by other numbers goes back to
Morra (game)
Morra is a hand game that dates back thousands of years to ancient Roman and Greek times. Each player simultaneously reveals their hand, extending any number of fingers, and calls out a number. Any pl
Parity of a permutation
In mathematics, when X is a finite set with at least two elements, the permutations of X (i.e. the bijective functions from X to X) fall into two classes of equal size: the even permutations and the o
Bipartite graph
In the mathematical field of graph theory, a bipartite graph (or bigraph) is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two disjoint and independent sets and , that is every edge connects a vertex in
Parity bit
A parity bit, or check bit, is a bit added to a string of binary code. Parity bits are a simple form of error detecting code. Parity bits are generally applied to the smallest units of a communication
Even and odd functions
In mathematics, even functions and odd functions are functions which satisfy particular symmetry relations, with respect to taking additive inverses. They are important in many areas of mathematical a
Odd–even rationing
Odd–even rationing is a method of rationing in which access to some resource is restricted to some of the population on any given day. In a common example, drivers of private vehicles may be allowed t
History of Grandi's series
Guido Grandi (1671–1742) reportedly provided a simplistic account of the series in 1703. He noticed that inserting parentheses into 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + · · · produced varying results: either or Grandi's e
Even number
No description available.
Parity (mathematics)
In mathematics, parity is the property of an integer of whether it is even or odd. An integer is even if it is a multiple of two, and odd if it is not. For example, −4, 0, 82 are even because By contr
Grandi's series
In mathematics, the infinite series 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + ⋯, also written is sometimes called Grandi's series, after Italian mathematician, philosopher, and priest Guido Grandi, who gave a memorable treatme
In mathematics, a half-integer is a number of the form , where is an whole number. For example, 4+1/2, 7⁄2, −+13/2, 8.5 are all half-integers. The name "half-integer" is perhaps misleading, as the set