Category: Mesh generators

Mesh generation
Mesh generation is the practice of creating a mesh, a subdivision of a continuous geometric space into discrete geometric and topological cells.Often these cells form a simplicial complex.Usually the
ANSA Pre-processor
ANSA is a computer-aided engineering tool for Finite Element Analysis and CFD Analysis widely used in the automotive industry. It is developed by BETA CAE Systems. The software is distributed world wi
Amira (software)
Amira (pronounce: Ah-meer-ah) is a software platform for 3D and 4D data visualization, processing, and analysis. It is being actively developed by Thermo Fisher Scientific in collaboration with the Zu
Gmsh is a finite-element mesh generator developed by Christophe Geuzaine and Jean-François Remacle. Released under the GNU General Public License, Gmsh is free software. Gmsh contains 4 modules: for g
MSC Software
MSC Software Corporation is an American simulation software technology company based in Newport Beach, California, that specializes in simulation software. In February 2017, the company was acquired b
Synopsys Simpleware ScanIP is a 3D image processing and model generation software program developed by Synopsys Inc. to visualise, analyse, quantify, segment and export 3D image data from magnetic res
Avizo (software)
Avizo (pronounce: ‘a-VEE-zo’) is a general-purpose commercial software application for scientific and industrial data visualization and analysis. Avizo is developed by Thermo Fisher Scientific and was
CD-adapco was a multinational computer software company that authored and distributed applications used for computer-aided engineering, best known for its computational fluid dynamics (CFD) products.
Vaa3D (in Chinese ‘挖三维’) is an Open Source visualization and analysis software suite created mainly by Hanchuan Peng and his team at Janelia Research Campus, HHMI and Allen Institute for Brain Science
TetGen is a mesh generator developed by which is designed to partition any 3D geometry into tetrahedrons by employing a form of Delaunay triangulation whose algorithm was developed by the author. TetG
Ansys, Inc. is an American company based in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. It develops and markets CAE/multiphysics engineering simulation software for product design, testing and operation and offers its