Category: Infinite products

Hafner–Sarnak–McCurley constant
The Hafner–Sarnak–McCurley constant is a mathematical constant representing the probability that the determinants of two randomly chosen square integer matrices will be relatively prime. The probabili
Infinite product
In mathematics, for a sequence of complex numbers a1, a2, a3, ... the infinite product is defined to be the limit of the partial products as n increases without bound. The product is said to
Khinchin's constant
In number theory, Aleksandr Yakovlevich Khinchin proved that for almost all real numbers x, coefficients ai of the continued fraction expansion of x have a finite geometric mean that is independent of
Somos' quadratic recurrence constant
In mathematics, Somos' quadratic recurrence constant, named after Michael Somos, is the number This can be easily re-written into the far more quickly converging product representation which can then
Wallis product
In mathematics, the Wallis product for π, published in 1656 by John Wallis, states that
Kepler–Bouwkamp constant
In plane geometry, the Kepler–Bouwkamp constant (or polygon inscribing constant) is obtained as a limit of the following sequence. Take a circle of radius 1. Inscribe a regular triangle in this circle
Cyclotomic identity
In mathematics, the cyclotomic identity states that where M is Moreau's necklace-counting function, and μ is the classic Möbius function of number theory. The name comes from the denominator, 1 − z j,
Artin's constant
No description available.
Feller–Tornier constant
In mathematics, the Feller–Tornier constant CFT is the density of the set of all positive integers that have an even number of distinct prime factors raised to a power larger than one (ignoring any pr
Quintuple product identity
In mathematics the Watson quintuple product identity is an infinite product identity introduced by Watson and rediscovered by and . It is analogous to the Jacobi triple product identity, and is the Ma
Macdonald identities
In mathematics, the Macdonald identities are some infinite product identities associated to affine root systems, introduced by Ian Macdonald. They include as special cases the Jacobi triple product id
Euler product
In number theory, an Euler product is an expansion of a Dirichlet series into an infinite product indexed by prime numbers. The original such product was given for the sum of all positive integers rai
Hadamard product (entire functions)
No description available.
Proof of the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function
Leonhard Euler proved the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function in his thesis Variae observationes circa series infinitas (Various Observations about Infinite Series), published by St Pe
Heath-Brown–Moroz constant
The Heath-Brown–Moroz constant C, named for Roger Heath-Brown and , is defined as where p runs over the primes.
Viète's formula
In mathematics, Viète's formula is the following infinite product of nested radicals representing twice the reciprocal of the mathematical constant π: It can also be represented as: The formula is nam
Stephens' constant
Stephens' constant expresses the density of certain subsets of the prime numbers. Let and be two multiplicatively independent integers, that is, except when both and equal zero. Consider the set of pr
Jacobi triple product
In mathematics, the Jacobi triple product is the mathematical identity: for complex numbers x and y, with |x| < 1 and y ≠ 0. It was introduced by Jacobi in his work Fundamenta Nova Theoriae Functionum