Category: Frequency

Frequency standard
A frequency standard is a stable oscillator used for frequency calibration or reference. A frequency standard generates a fundamental frequency with a high degree of accuracy and precision. Harmonics
Time metrology
Time metrology or time and frequency metrology is the application of metrology for time keeping, including frequency stability.Its main tasks are the realization of the second as the SI unit of measur
Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It is also occasionally referred to as temporal frequency for clarity, and is distinct from angular frequency. Frequency i
Least-squares spectral analysis
Least-squares spectral analysis (LSSA) is a method of estimating a frequency spectrum, based on a least squares fit of sinusoids to data samples, similar to Fourier analysis. Fourier analysis, the mos
Normalized frequency (signal processing)
In digital signal processing (DSP), normalized frequency (f') is a quantity having dimension of frequency expressed in units of "cycles per sample". It equals f'=f/fs, where f is an ordinary frequency