Category: Fractional calculus

Fractional Laplacian
In mathematics, the fractional Laplacian is an operator, which generalizes the notion of spatial derivatives to fractional powers.
Fractional-order integrator
A fractional-order integrator or just simply fractional integrator is an integrator device that calculates the fractional-order integral or derivative (usually called a differintegral) of an input. Di
Katugampola fractional operators
In mathematics, Katugampola fractional operators are integral operators that generalize the Riemann–Liouville and the Hadamard fractional operators into a unique form. The Katugampola fractional integ
In fractional calculus, an area of mathematical analysis, the differintegral is a combined differentiation/integration operator. Applied to a function ƒ, the q-differintegral of f, here denoted by is
Fractional calculus
Fractional calculus is a branch of mathematical analysis that studies the several different possibilities of defining real number powers or complex number powers of the differentiation operator and of
Fractional-order system
In the fields of dynamical systems and control theory, a fractional-order system is a dynamical system that can be modeled by a fractional differential equation containing derivatives of non-integer o
Bessel potential
In mathematics, the Bessel potential is a potential (named after Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel) similar to the Riesz potential but with better decay properties at infinity. If s is a complex number with po
Riesz potential
In mathematics, the Riesz potential is a potential named after its discoverer, the Hungarian mathematician Marcel Riesz. In a sense, the Riesz potential defines an inverse for a power of the Laplace o
Coopmans approximation
The Coopmans approximation is a method for approximating a fractional-order integrator in a continuous process with constant space complexity. The most correct and accurate methods for calculating the
Riemann–Liouville integral
In mathematics, the Riemann–Liouville integral associates with a real function another function Iα f of the same kind for each value of the parameter α > 0. The integral is a manner of generalization
Erdelyi–Kober operator
In mathematics, an Erdélyi–Kober operator is a fractional integration operation introduced by Arthur Erdélyi and Hermann Kober. The Erdélyi–Kober fractional integral is given by which generalizes the
Weyl integral
In mathematics, the Weyl integral (named after Hermann Weyl) is an operator defined, as an example of fractional calculus, on functions f on the unit circle having integral 0 and a Fourier series. In
Initialized fractional calculus
In mathematical analysis, initialization of the differintegrals is a topic in fractional calculus.
Sobolev space
In mathematics, a Sobolev space is a vector space of functions equipped with a norm that is a combination of Lp-norms of the function together with its derivatives up to a given order. The derivatives
Grünwald–Letnikov derivative
In mathematics, the Grünwald–Letnikov derivative is a basic extension of the derivative in fractional calculus that allows one to take the derivative a non-integer number of times. It was introduced b