Category: Compactness (mathematics)

Compact embedding
In mathematics, the notion of being compactly embedded expresses the idea that one set or space is "well contained" inside another. There are versions of this concept appropriate to general topology a
K-cell (mathematics)
A -cell is a higher-dimensional version of a rectangle or rectangular solid. It is the Cartesian product of closed intervals on the real line. This means that a -dimensional rectangular solid has each
Mesocompact space
In mathematics, in the field of general topology, a topological space is said to be mesocompact if every open cover has a compact-finite open refinement. That is, given any open cover, we can find an
Σ-compact space
In mathematics, a topological space is said to be σ-compact if it is the union of countably many compact subspaces. A space is said to be σ-locally compact if it is both σ-compact and (weakly) locally
H-closed space
In mathematics, a Hausdorff space is said to be H-closed, or Hausdorff closed, or absolutely closed if it is closed in every Hausdorff space containing it as a subspace. This property is a generalizat
Realcompact space
In mathematics, in the field of topology, a topological space is said to be realcompact if it is completely regular Hausdorff and every point of its Stone–Čech compactification is real (meaning that t
Orthocompact space
In mathematics, in the field of general topology, a topological space is said to be orthocompact if every open cover has an interior-preserving open refinement. That is, given an open cover of the top
Feebly compact space
In mathematics, a topological space is feebly compact if every locally finite cover by nonempty open sets is finite. The concept was introduced by S. Mardeĉić and P. Papić in 1955. Some facts: * Ever
Lindelöf space
In mathematics, a Lindelöf space is a topological space in which every open cover has a countable subcover. The Lindelöf property is a weakening of the more commonly used notion of compactness, which
Pseudocompact space
In mathematics, in the field of topology, a topological space is said to be pseudocompact if its image under any continuous function to R is bounded. Many authors include the requirement that the spac
Supercompact space
In mathematics, in the field of topology, a topological space is called supercompact if there is a subbasis such that every open cover of the topological space from elements of the subbasis has a subc
Locally compact space
In topology and related branches of mathematics, a topological space is called locally compact if, roughly speaking, each small portion of the space looks like a small portion of a compact space. More
A-paracompact space
In mathematics, in the field of topology, a topological space is said to be a-paracompact if every open cover of the space has a locally finite refinement. In contrast to the definition of paracompact
Sequentially compact space
In mathematics, a topological space X is sequentially compact if every sequence of points in X has a convergent subsequence converging to a point in . Every metric space is naturally a topological spa
Exhaustion by compact sets
In mathematics, especially general topology and analysis, an exhaustion by compact sets of a topological space is a nested sequence of compact subsets of (i.e. ), such that is contained in the interio
Totally bounded space
In topology and related branches of mathematics, total-boundedness is a generalization of compactness for circumstances in which a set is not necessarily closed. A totally bounded set can be covered b
Cocompact embedding
In mathematics, cocompact embeddings are embeddings of normed vector spaces possessing a certain property similar to but weaker than compactness. Cocompactness has been in use in mathematical analysis
Strictly singular operator
In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, a strictly singular operator is a bounded linear operator between normed spaces which is not bounded below on any infinite-dimensional subspace.
Metacompact space
In the mathematical field of general topology, a topological space is said to be metacompact if every open cover has a point-finite open refinement. That is, given any open cover of the topological sp
Compact space
In mathematics, specifically general topology, compactness is a property that seeks to generalize the notion of a closed and bounded subset of Euclidean space by making precise the idea of a space hav
Compact operator
In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, a compact operator is a linear operator , where are normed vector spaces, with the property that maps bounded subsets of to relatively compact subsets
Cellular space
A cellular space is a Hausdorff space that has the structure of a CW complex. * v * t * e
Limit point compact
In mathematics, a topological space X is said to be limit point compact or weakly countably compact if every infinite subset of X has a limit point in X. This property generalizes a property of compac
Paracompact space
In mathematics, a paracompact space is a topological space in which every open cover has an open refinement that is locally finite. These spaces were introduced by . Every compact space is paracompact
Hemicompact space
In mathematics, in the field of topology, a topological space is said to be hemicompact if it has a sequence of compact subsets such that every compact subset of the space lies inside some compact set
Relatively compact subspace
In mathematics, a relatively compact subspace (or relatively compact subset, or precompact subset) Y of a topological space X is a subset whose closure is compact.