Category: Automated reasoning

Automated reasoning
In computer science, in particular in knowledge representation and reasoning and metalogic, the area of automated reasoning is dedicated to understanding different aspects of reasoning. The study of a
Opportunistic reasoning
Opportunistic reasoning is a method of selecting a suitable logical inference strategy within artificial intelligence applications. Specific reasoning methods may be used to draw conclusions from a se
Reasoning system
In information technology a reasoning system is a software system that generates conclusions from available knowledge using logical techniques such as deduction and induction. Reasoning systems play a
The Engine
The Engine is a fictional device described in the 1726 satirical novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. It is possibly the earliest known reference to a device in any way resembling a modern comp
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR, KR&R, KR²) is the field of artificial intelligence (AI) dedicated to representing information about the world in a form that a computer system can use to s
Model-based reasoning
In artificial intelligence, model-based reasoning refers to an inference method used in expert systems based on a model of the physical world. With this approach, the main focus of application develop
Association for Automated Reasoning
The Association for Automated Reasoning (AAR) is a non-profit corporation that serves as an association of researchers working on automated theorem proving, automated reasoning, and related fields. It
Semantic reasoner
A semantic reasoner, reasoning engine, rules engine, or simply a reasoner, is a piece of software able to infer logical consequences from a set of asserted facts or axioms. The notion of a semantic re
Handbook of Automated Reasoning
The Handbook of Automated Reasoning (ISBN 0444508139, 2128 pages) is a collection of survey articles on the field of automated reasoning. Published in June 2001 by MIT Press, it is edited by John Alan
Commonsense reasoning
In artificial intelligence (AI), commonsense reasoning is a human-like ability to make presumptions about the type and essence of ordinary situations humans encounter every day. These assumptions incl
Backward chaining
Backward chaining (or backward reasoning) is an inference method described colloquially as working backward from the goal. It is used in automated theorem provers, inference engines, proof assistants,
Sentient (intelligence analysis system)
Sentient is an automated intelligence analysis system under development by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) of the United States federal government. A 2012 internal NRO document, declassified